At Prickly Bay, Grenada and a tragic event occurs

Well we have arrived in Prickly Bay, Grenada and will be here for a while to get a few boat jobs done and enjoy the island during part of hurricane season.

Unfortunately in our first few days here there was a horrible incident in the bay. We awoke at 5:30 to see the coast guard screaming past us, as he’s at the end of our bay, toward a brand new 80ft multi million dollar yacht on fire. Luckily the crew all got off uninjured but the yacht did not fear so well and burned to the water line. We understand that the cause was behind the electrical panel, which caught on fire. Really brought home to us the importance of safety and staying on top of maintenance etc. Very sad day in the anchorage and difficult watching it smoke and smolder all day thinking someones dream has gone.

The photos below came care of Mark on S/V Sea Life  5[1]

10[1] 13[1]

