A new adventure soon….

Well Brett and I have decided to take a new adventure. For those of you that know Brett he has always had a dream of sailing and so in June he headed down to Grenada to meet a wonderful South African couple and their two sons, who were selling their Maverick 40ft Catamaran. I had already fallen in love with “Catlyn” from pictures online and envied the travelling life Johan & Marlene had. Brett spent four days in and around Grenada sailing with the family, who also showed him a good time in a few local bars.

June 2012 054a

They were all great and Brett was happy so yes we purchased Catlyn.


In July Brett and I went down to Trinidad to finalize the sale and get Catlyn out of the water and on to the hard. Exciting times!




Thankfully Johan and Marlene were awesome teaching us what we need to do to prepare a boat for the hard.



We left Trinidad with a list of things we need to do, buy and get ourselves ready for the new year and our new adventure! Johan, Marlene and Marco will be joining us to teach us how to prepare the boat to get back in the water and of course sail and maintain Catlyn.  We of course are now very busy downsizing and selling things….. its incredible the amount of “stuff” you accumulate and keep!!